Dundret Lapland

Address: Dundret 299, 982 41 Gällivare
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For questions, please contact us at reception@dundretlapland.com or give us a call during our opening hours +46(0)970-522 800

Welcome to Dundret in Gällivare

Are you traveling by plane? Fly to Gällivare Lapland Airport (GEV) or next nearest Kiruna Airport (1.5 hour by train or car). Book train tickets on www.sj.se

For questions please contact reception@dundretlapland.com


For questions, please contact us at reception@dundretlapland.com or give us a call during our opening hours +46(0)970-522 800

Welcome to Dundret in Gällivare

Are you traveling by plane? Fly to Gällivare Lapland Airport (GEV) or next nearest Kiruna Airport (1.5 hour by train or car). Book train tickets on www.sj.se

For questions please contact reception@dundretlapland.com

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